Have you noticed where mold are found in a bathroom? And why in those places?

What is a mold? It is a microscopic fungus that grows on surfaces. Colonizers arrive at these places, through the air or contaminated hands.

They need humidity, a mild temperature and a source of “carbon”, i.e. a nutrient.

Mold is usually found on the walls of the shower, near where you wash, and in the drain or overflow of the sink. Also in the toilet.

These microorganisms feed on surfactants found in abundance in shampoos and liquid soaps and on organic debris such as pieces of dead skin.

Most of them are not pathogenic. Their names are for example Aspergillus, Penicillium, Cladosporium. They grow at 25°C.

Rarely, we find pathogenic species that grow at 37°C. Fusarium dermatidis or Exophiala dermatidis could – in theory – send us to the dermatologist.

In the next article, we will talk about how to eliminate them.