No! I stained my beautiful white shirt with tomato sauce! And spilled coffee on my white pants…

Everything, I tried: scrubbed with soap, washed at 60°C, put in bleach. Nothing works. Now I am left with having to buy new clothes… .

SODIUM PERCARBONATE. Remember that name.

This chemical, when it comes into contact with water, produces hydrogen peroxide. The hydrogen peroxide, in sufficient concentration, will break down the organic components that make up the stains. Without damaging fabrics such as cotton.

Sodium percarbonate is an oxidizer and should be kept away from flames.

It is a product that is sold under different brands, such as “Vanish” or “Oxi Clean”. It is also found in small quantities in many washing powders.

Be careful! It must be used at AT LEAST 60 or 70°C so that the hydrogen peroxide is released quickly!

In practice, put 3-4 tablespoons of sodium percarbonate with the stained white fabric in the machine. We also add detergent in case the stain contains grease. Wash at a temperature between 60° and 90°. The ideal temperature and quantity of product vary according to the stains.

It looks clean and smells good!