NOSO destroys Clostridium in 30 secondsinfecté à la piscine

Discover NOSO

Papillomavirus (warts) and dermatophytes (athlete's foot) on surfaces:
Inactivation in only 30 seconds!

No need to be infected in a
barefoot area

Der Fußpilz ist unsichtbar, aber
4-5 Sunden nach der Ansteckung
können die Fuße jucken
pas de mycoses à la maison

An advanced and safe technology

In the spa or the pool, fungi stick to the feet -- and might be brought home

AVI destroys nearly 100% of skin fungi. Totally safe for the skin!

NOSO destroys Clostridium in 30 seconds

Keeping you safe from an Clostridium difficile infection

Only 30 seconds of contact necessary!


Good Products bring Optimism


AVI - Prevention of foot fungus


Foot Fungus Prevention

  • Inactivation of dermatophytes on the skin in 15 s

  • Highly concentrated: dilute 25 times with a tap water

  • Works against the resistant dermatophytes spores

TACIT – Disinfection of the hands


Hands Disinfection

  • Can reduce the the number of episodes of illness

  • Bactericidal in 30 seconds

  • Hydro-alcohol solid gel

NOSO – Disinfection of surfaces


Surface Disinfection

  • Inactivates bacteria, incl. ++ resistant C. difficile

  • Sporicidal, bactericidal & fungicidal in 30 sec.

  • Based on proprietary chlorine technology


New technologies to control microbial hazards in the community.
Few products that can make a huge difference. It can be so simple.


Faster and more efficient than other products in the same category
  • Against highly resistant spores/bacteria. For skin & surfaces
  • Need 15 – 30 sec to inactivate pathogenic microorganisms
  • Authorized by the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health


Reduce the risks that your customers be infected
  • Closes the door to nail infection  (a source of major embarrassment)
  • Reduces the risks of infection for diabetics
  • Reduces the risks of infection for customers under medical treatment


Science is packed in our products!
  • Unique products designed to prevent community acquired infections
  • Advanced formulas
  • Easy to use
  • High quality wellness industry products



How Can We Help you Improve Your Business?

Are your customers at risk of being infected when visiting your place, and how does it translate for you in terms of business?

Infection can spread in community settings like fire. Microbes can spread from person to person through contaminated hands. Some places form reservoirs of microorganisms: non disinfected surfaces or equipment in the kitchen (reservoirs of E Coli, C difficile, …), the floor of a spa/swimming pool (dermatophytes), the surface of a whirlpool, fitness devices, …

In order to break a chain of infections, products that are adequate and safe are needed: surface disinfectants that inactivate in seconds microorganisms as resistant as C. difficile, a source of morbidity; feet disinfectant that inactivate not only fungi, but also spores of dermatophytes (athlete’s foot); Hand disinfectants that your customers will have pleasure to use, and therefore will be used.

Our products allow you to devise a multi-layer strategy to protect your customers against infections.

By showing a high level of care to your visitors, you earn their trust  – and they come back!
With us, you can tap a new market: those who risk serious consequences if they get infected, and who avoid communities (hotels, leisure centers, restaurants, …) out of fear of catching an infection: people with diabetes (10% of the population in Europe), fragilized individuals.
Customers need to feel safe. Safety, and foremost microbiological safety, is a an essential need for human beings.
Our products are quality products, that work fast – an essential characteristics, and are capable to inactivate very resistant microorganisms. Our unique toolbox gives you the means to properly protect your customers. No more worry about rumours and a bad reputation that can destroy your business!


For some people, those who are under medical treatment, or the diabetics, for instance, being infected by a fungus is not a simple matter. A simple fungal infection of the foot skin can become a nightmare. It is an open door for bacteria that might enter the leg and start a deep infection.

Diabetics and older people have higher risks of being infected. So do youth and athletes who spend more time in barefoot environments.

In addition, an individual who gets infected will bring the fungus at home, being a source of infection for other people.

Warum sollte man sich die Hände desinfizieren, wenn Covid-19 ein Virus der Atemwege ist?

By |August 27th, 2021|Categories: Hotels, Unkategorisiert|

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